Our Maritime and Water Infrastructure Services
For all your maritime infrastructure engineering and consultancy related engagements, we offer a wide range of required expert services:
- Berthing and Dynamic Mooring assessments
- Downtime studies
- FE analysis of steel and concrete structures
- Pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete design
- Foundation design
- Durability and maintenance issues
- Floating and stability design checks
- Lift-in, float-in and Immersion procedures
- Interface management for M&E – civil interface
- Structural dynamics and seismic design
Structures including:
- Storm surge barriers
- Sluices and locks
- Dams and reservoirs
- Intake and outfall infrastructure
- Storm surge barriers
- Waterfront developments
- Jetties and Piers
- Quay walls and wharves
- Flood resilience solutions
- Gravity base foundations and floating structures
- Heavy civil foundations